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LHC researchers 'set to create a mini-Big Bang'

"Researchers at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are getting set to create the Big Bang on a miniature scale."

Category: Big Science


US navy completes successful test on boat powered by algae

American navy sails towards sustainability with biofuel-powered gunboat

Category: Energy sources


Watchdog to meet Home Office about plans to track email and phone use

The information commissioner is to meet the Home Office to clarify his concerns over the potential privacy risks involved in a revived Whitehall project to track the email, internet and mobile phone use of everyone in Britain.

Category: Communications


Bees' tiny brains beat computers, study finds

"Bees can solve complex mathematical problems which keep computers busy for days, research has shown"

Category: Communications

Displaying results 541 to 545 out of 2977